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Novacana GmbH

We are a GDP-certified wholesale pharmaceutical company founded in 2019. The owner-operated company has the permission to wholesale trade medicinal products (permission according to Section 52a para. 1 sentence 1 Medicines Acts (German Designation: AMG) of regional council Darmstadt) and is based in Frankfurt am Main.

In addition, Novacana GmbH has a narcotic drug license (German designation: BtM-Erlaubnis) approved by BfArM according to Section 3 German Narcotics Act (German designation: BtMG) and an AMRadV approval according to Section 7 Medicines Act and Section 1 Order on radioactive medicinal products and medicinal products treated with ionising radiation (German designation: AMRAdV) for Bedrocan products.

The co-founder and managing director of Novacana GmbH is Alexander Maier.

©2023 Novacana GmbH.

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